The Diet Solution Program

A Healthy Diet Plan to prevent the growth of cancer

Plans for a healthy diet, so called, like flowers bloom every January, but few are suitable for anyone who cares about fighting cancer. Most of these diet plans to pull punches on health in order to be more marketable to the vast majority of people who do not want to be healthy.

When you go into the scientific literature - in pure science, and wholly from the agendas of these industries, food and pharmaceutical multinational research that in many cases, the fund - you will find some disturbing facts about common foods that contribute to the spread of cancer already.

Says that the top cancer researcher T.Colin Campbell, Ph.D., who is in his 45 years at the highest levels of scientific research has had more than its share of policy differences with the food industry. There are many pressure groups for meat and dairy industry, in particular, which has worked hard to maintain the results that Dr. Campbell revealed to the public.

If you have been diagnosed or a family member as a cancer, you may know that there are three stages in the life cycle of this disease. The first is the "Start", and the second is to "promote", and the third stage is the "tumor". Many things can begin to cancer, but the body can destroy many types of cancer at this early stage if our immune system do its job.

Promotion is a critical stage when the cancer can be arrested - but how?

Dr. Campbell found that the growth of cancer can be "promoted" to certain types of protein sources, on and off by others. Specifically, I found he was able to cause cancer cells to start growing by feeding them on milk protein - and "off" growth by replacing milk protein with vegetable protein source.

The discovery was raised on a farm dairy, and charged with finding ways to increase the levels of protein in the diet in the third world, a complete surprise to Dr. Campbell. Was assumed in the research community in those days that people in poor countries needed to better health and more protein foods in the form of meat, fish, and dairy products.

What was T.Colin Campbell and his team of researchers found exactly the opposite of what he had expected. A lot of protein - animal protein source - had a relationship with the expected growth and spread of cancer cells.

These results were repeated by other researchers and published in peer-reviewed medical journals. And confirmed by the most comprehensive research project on the relationship between diet and disease, which is the subject of the book by Dr. Campbell, the study of China. There he found that the Chinese communities that consumed traditional, plant-based diets had significantly lower rates of cancer than those where the population ate more animal protein source.

Has this information from the eyes of the people for a very long time. Public health agencies suggest that Americans, in particular, need to eat more fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, but - to avoid offending the lobby agricultural powerful - you will not hear them indicate that the wisdom behind the meat removed completely, eggs and dairy products and our diet.

But why not?

When you are facing a matter of life or death to how to stop the cancer in your body, and may be more willing to consider dietary changes radically from those that are motivated only lose a few pounds.

Perhaps it is time for a very clear distinction between the plan a healthy diet really, and those that focus only on weight loss in the short term.